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New Jersey PTA
The PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. Today’s PTA is comprised of 5 million parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health, and safety of all children. We speak with one voice for every child.
In New Jersey, the PTA has achieved other notable improvements for children, including school bus seat belt laws and teen driving requirements.
With Today’s PTA, families also have access to important benefits, including:
• Dozens of national programs, experts, and turnkey resources
• Regular updates and advice in the form of e-newsletters,, Our Children magazine, and a robust Back-to-School kit of resources
• State, Regional and local trainings
• Leadership development through webinars and e-learning courses
• Millions of dollars in grants to help build PTA capacity and skills
• Prestigious national and state awards