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New Orleans Regional Transit Authority RTA – Para transit – Louisiana
The New Orleans RTA's paratransit service is meant to help those disabled riders who cannot use the standard buses and streetcars in the RTA system. If you have a disability but your disability does not prevent you from using standard buses and streetcars, the RTA is likely to turn down your request for paratransit eligibility. Web page contains links to needed
eligibility forms and applications. Forms can also be obtained in person at the address below.
RTA system includes three streetcar lines and 32 bus routes, and we offer special paratransit services to the disabled. Our vehicles cover 14,000 miles each day, and our passengers take almost 12 million rides every year.
For persons who can not access the RTA fixed route service, paratransit service is provided through the LIFT program and the Dial-a-Ride program. The LIFT program uses vans to transport persons, and the Dial-a-Ride program supplements the LIFT program with taxi service Fixed Route/Para transit.
RTA Para transit Eligibility
ADA Eligibility / ID Center
2817 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70119
RTA – Riding with a Disability: