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New Reflections – DeForest Area High School Alternative Program
New Reflections, the DeForest Area Alternative Program began in 1999. The program was originally funded through a five-year grant issued by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The alternative program is now fully funded through DeForest Area High School. New Reflections was established in response to an increased at-risk population in the high school and the need to address their specific educational needs. The alternative program provides an off-site learning environment for 15 to 25 students in the 11th and 12th grades. The program provides the opportunity to create positive working relationships and the chance for students to reconnect with the community. To support this effort, New Reflections is located in the downstairs level of the DeForest Area Public Library. This allows students and staff access to the library, a large classroom and the use of a fourteen-station computer lab. In order to continue funding and ensure future success of the program, New Reflection students are expected to strive to meet four main goals. First, students must maintain a 90% or better attendance rate. This includes both excused and unexcused absences, tardies and individually missed classes. Second, students must remain alcohol and drug free while attending the alternative program. If use is suspected, a parent will be contacted, and the student will be requested to attend an alcohol and other drug abuse assessment program. This request may occur at the student’s orientation meeting. The student will be required to follow the AODA assessment recommendations and/or treatment plans to continue in the alternative program. Third, students are expected to attain credits needed for graduation and to work toward their highest potential. Finally, students must follow the New Reflections non-harassment policy, show respect for other students and staff and treat the program facilities with care.