New York State Rehabilitation Association (NYSRA)

Address: 155 Washington Avenue, Suite 410
Albany, NY 12210-2332
Phone: (518) 449-2976 Fax: (518) 4264329 Email: Website:

The New York State Rehabilitation Association (NYSRA) is a statewide 501 (c) (6) organization representing rehabilitation providers who advocate on behalf of individuals with differing abilities and the agencies who serve them. NYSRA is governed by its Board of Directors, which meets quarterly.

Our community providers offer a full spectrum of services to people throughout New York State, including individuals with developmental disabilities, mental illness, deaf and hearing impaired, and vision problems, in addition to addictions, traumatic brain injuries and veteran services. Collectively, NYSRA's member agencies are instrumental in assisting individuals toward full integration into the community. NYSRA's providers also have a rich history in promoting employment opportunities for individuals.

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