NewWell Fund

Address: 1602 Rolling Hills Drive, Suite 107
Richmond, VA 23229
Phone: (804) 662-9000 Fax: (804) 6629533 Email: Website:


"This program was designed by individuals who desperately needed equipment to assist in their work, play, education, and life and had difficulty finding the money to purchase these items. Many had no credit history or poor credit due to their disability or health issues.
Anyone can apply to the NewWell Fund, regardless of income and no matter how small a loan they might need. Credit history, current income and existing debt will determine if an application is approved. We make many loans for adaptive vans and modified vehicles, home modifications, hearing aids, and more. We pride ourselves in providing person-centered and uncompromising customer service.
People with disabilities and their families deserve a place where they can count on hope, respect, and dignity. The NewWell Fund promises to be that place."

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