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"NISH is a national nonprofit agency whose mission is to create employment opportunities for people with significant disabilities by securing federal contracts through the AbilityOne Program for its network of community-based, nonprofit agencies.
Providing employment opportunities to more than 47,000 people, the AbilityOne Program is the largest single source of employment for people who are blind or have other significant disabilities in the United States. More than 600 participating nonprofit organizations employ these individuals and provide quality goods and services to the federal Government at a fair price.
The AbilityOne Program is a coordinated effort by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and NISH-Creating Employment Opportunities for People with Significant Disabilities. This effort has allowed people who are blind or who have other significant disabilities to acquire job skills and training, receive wages and benefits, and gain greater independence and quality of life. Through the AbilityOne Program, people with disabilities have the opportunity to enjoy participation in their communities and can market their AbilityOne skills into other public and private sector jobs.
With its headquarters in Vienna, Virginia, NISH has regional offices in California, Washington, Virginia, Georgia, Texas and Illinois. Among its services, NISH offers its agencies regulatory assistance; information technology support; engineering, financial and technical assistance; legislative and workforce development assistance; communications and public relations expertise; and an extensive training program."