North Carolina Client Assistance Program (NCCAP)

Address: 2806 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2806
Phone: (919) 855-3600 Fax: (919) 7152456 Email: Website:

Established as part of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the North Carolina Client Assistance Program (CAP) is a federally funded program designed to assist individuals with disabilities in understanding and using rehabilitation services. CAP serves an integral part of the rehabilitation system by:

Advising and informing individuals of all services and benefits available to them through programs authorized under the Rehabilitation Act and under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);

Assisting and advocating for individuals in their relationships with programs providing rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act;

Helping to identify and resolve problems that may arise during the rehabilitation process; and

Identifying problem areas in the delivery of rehabilitation services and making suggestions for improving services.

CAP assists:

Anyone seeking information, applying for services or receiving services from a rehabilitation program including the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, the Division of Services for the Blind, the Independent Living Rehabilitation Programs in each of these agencies, and the Centers for Independent Living;

Persons who are dissatisfied with services they are receiving or who have been denied services for which they might be eligible; and

Persons needing intervention or assistance in their relationships with programs providing rehabilitation services.

CAP Services:

Advise people with disabilities of their rights under the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Explain the nature of the various services available to people with disabilities from the different state agency rehabilitation programs.    

Refer people with non-rehabilitation needs to other appropriate resources.    

Advise and interpret agency policies and procedures to consumers as they relate to the individual's rehabilitation choices.     

Identify problems and solutions between consumers and agency staff.    

Advocate for and represent consumers in the appeals process.    

Recognize service delivery problems and recommend positive changes in the rehabilitation program rules and policies.     

Provide outreach to individuals with disabilities from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?