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Northeastern Vermont Area Health Education Center
The Northeastern Vermont Area Health Education Center (AHEC) was established in 1997 as an independent non-profit organization that is part of a national initiative to address the availability and distribution of health care services. Working in alliance with the University of Vermont College of Medicine and other educational institutions, the Northeastern Vt. AHEC is dedicated to promoting excellence in the health care systems in its region. Vermont’s AHEC Program is a statewide network of the Northeastern Vermont AHEC, Champlain Valley AHEC, Southern Vermont AHEC and the UVM College of Medicine. Funding support for Vermont’s statewide AHEC program has been provided by the University of Vermont, the US Health Resources and Services Administration, the State of Vermont, Fletcher Allen Health Care and Vermont’s community hospitals. In addition to serving as the region’s area health education center, in 2001, the Northeastern Vermont AHEC was designated a national Community Center of Excellence in Women’s Health (CCOE) by the US Department of Health and Human Services. It remained a CCOE and then CCOE Ambassador for Change through 2007, when this federally supported program ended.