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Northwest Arkansas FREE HEALTH CENTER
Founded in 1986, with a mission of the Northwest Arkansas Free Health Center is to provide no-cost health care services to the uninsured, indigent, and working poor of Northwest Arkansas. The clinic occupies the Armory Building on North College next to the old courthouse.
The clinic operates using volunteer physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, technicians, and lay volunteers, coordinated by a small paid staff. It has 60 medical professional volunteers and 30 lay volunteers (mostly pre-med, pre-dental, and pre-pharmacy students.) Patients come from a very diverse group – from all age categories, genders, and ethnic backgrounds. Most of the clinic's patients live in Washington County.
Services At NWAFHC
General Medical Clinics Staffed by volunteer physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and clerical personnel. If after careful evaluation specialty help is needed, patients are referred to specialists who have agreed to see the clinic's patients.
- General Medical Clinics
- Gynecology Clinics
- Dermatology Clinics
- Dental Clinics (extractions only)
- Dental Hygiene Clinics
- Preventive Medicine
- Physical Therapy
- Chiropractic Services
- Diabetes Education
- Nutrition Education
- Smoking Cessation
- Referrals
- Social Work Assistance
- Otolaryngology Clinics
- Pulmonology Clinics
- Neurology Clinics
- Mental Health Clinics
Prescription Services Staffed by volunteer licensed pharmacists who dispense medications to the clinic's patients and those unable to pay for a prescription issued by a physician or the local Emergency Room.
Indigent Drug Program – Patients who qualify are enrolled in patient assistance programs, offered by various pharmaceutical companies.
Referrals When necessary, patients are referred to other physicians or specialists for follow-up care.
Eligibility Criteria: No health insurance, inability to pay for visit to doctor's office, level of income (considering total family income and family size) – cannot be more than 200% above the Federal Poverty Level.