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Office of Child Care Licensing
Our mission is to ensure safeguards and enhance quality for children in out-of-home care. The Office of Child Care Licensing licenses approximately 1,500+ facilities in Delaware. These facilities include Family Child Care Homes – child care in a private home for one (1) to six (6) children preschool–age or younger and one (1) to three (3) school-age children; Large Family Child Care Homes – child care in a private home or commercial (non-residential) setting for seven (7) to twelve (12) children preschool-age or younger and one (1) or two (2) school-age children; Early Care and Education and School-Age Centers (includes day care centers, nursery schools, preschools, before/after school care, and out of school care) – child care in a commercial (non-residential) setting for thirteen (13) or more children; Residential Child Care Facilities and Day Treatment Programs – services for children with behavioral dysfunctions; developmental, emotional, mental or physical impairments; and/or chemical dependencies; and Child Placement Agencies – adoption and foster care services.