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Ohio Children’s Hospital Association (OCHA)
"Ohio Children's Hospital Association members are committed to promoting the health of children and preventing those conditions, diseases and injuries that may reduce their quality of life.
The Ohio Children’s Hospital Association is the voice of Ohio's youngest patients, their families and health care providers. Our six member hospitals are dedicated to saving, protecting and enhancing children’s lives.
Ohio has arguably the strongest network of children’s hospitals in the nation—hospitals that are committed to ensuring that all three million Ohio children have access to the highest quality health care possible. We serve children from all 88 Ohio counties, all 50 states, and dozens of international countries. And, every child receives the medical care they need—regardless of their family’s ability to pay for the care provided.
Nothing matters more to the future of our state, nation and world than protecting the health and well-being of our children. Sustaining and growing our investment in saving, protecting and enhancing the lives of children is both good medicine and sound public policy."