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Oklahoma Alternative Financing Program Oklahoma ABLE Tech
"Oklahoma ABLE Tech is a statewide assistive technology (AT) program located at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. ABLE Tech's is funded through the Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education which is made possible through the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 as amended in 2004 (ATA 2004).
Oklahoma ABLE Tech strives to improve access to assistive technology (AT) for individuals with disabilities of all ages through comprehensive, statewide programs that are consumer responsive. The purpose of Oklahoma ABLE Tech is to make assistive technology devices and services more available and accessible to individuals with disabilities and their families. AT is any item or piece of equipment used to improve the capabilities of people with disabilities such as a scooter or wheelchair, aids to helps those with low vision or blindness, devices to assist individuals with hearing impairments, specialized computer hardware and software, aids for daily living, and communication devices. Assistive technology allows people with disabilities to function independently in recreation, education, employment, and daily living activities.
ABLE Tech provides AT through the following four core programs: demonstration centers, short-term equipment loan, AT reutilization, and low interest bank loans for the purchase of AT. ABLE Tech provides outreach, information and assistance services, and training on various AT topics as well as collaborates with state agencies and organizations to enhance the understanding and access to AT. "