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Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center
"The Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center (OATC) is dedicated to providing quality assistive technology services to Oklahomans with disabilities and their families; to providing professional and community education and technical assistance; and to research.
In meeting the needs of Oklahomans with disabilities, the personnel of OATC employ a philosophy of ""people first"" and ""contemporary practices"" in habilitation and rehabilitation. Services provided are intended to assist individuals to participate fully in their own communities in the most cost-effective and timely manner possible. Services provided are age-appropriate, scientifically sound, and are designed to result in functional outcomes meaningful to the person and the person's family or caregivers. These services are intended to meet the high quality assurance standards.
OATC personnel are committed to education and training for professionals who serve individuals with disabilities, as well as the individual themselves and their families. OATC also provides education and training for colleges and universities, and for public and private agencies.
OATC personnel also are committed to research designed to evaluate the outcomes of assistive technology and the cost benefit of the technology services, and to expand knowledge in the application of assistive technology."
TDD: (405) 271-1705