Oklahoma Services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Address: 2401 NW 23rd Street, Suite 51
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Phone: (405) 522-7930 Fax: (405) 522-7948 Email: SDHH@okdrs.gov Website: http://www.okrehab.org/job-seekers/sdhh/main

Department of Rehabilitation Services


"DRS services for those with hearing loss include a variety of programs and informational services. We provide services to individuals who are Deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, deaf-blind and those with speech impairments. In addition to information and referral about community services and resources, DRS operates the following programs:
Equipment Distribution Program
Interpreter Services Program
Senior Citizens Hearing Aid Project"
TDD: 800-833-8973

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