Old Mill Center For Children and Families

Address: 1650 SW 45th Place
Corvallis, OR 97333
Phone: (541) 757-8068 Fax: (541) 7581030 Email: Medora_Tuck@oldmillcenter.org Website: http://www.oldmillcenter.org/

At OMC we believe that parents do the best they can for who they are and what they know. It is a challenge at times to hold this philosophy when a child's well-being is in the balance. We do all we can to support children, and in our efforts to unlock the mystery and power of child abuse, realize the parent needs our attention as well. To only serve the child and not the family system continues to put the child at risk. With this we also believe that the hurt a troubled child or family creates is never greater than the hurt they feel.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?