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Ozark Regional Transit Authority (ORT)
Rural Area Transportation Available
ORT provides service to Rural Area customers in the Region. Click here to view the schedule of this
Para transit route. Under the ADA, public transit agencies like Ozark Regional Transit are required to provide curb-to-curb, demand-responsive
Para transit service that "mirrors" their fixed route bus service (in terms of service times and areas). The service is a "safety net", and is only for those persons who do not have the functional capability to access the fixed route bus system. The dial-a-ride
Para transit service must be scheduled ahead of time from one day to 7 days in advance. Since it is a curb-to-curb service, no assistance is provided to individuals between the van and the door of their starting point or destination. All individuals needing assistance in this area are expected to make arrangements accordingly as Ozark Regional Transit does not provide personal care assistants. To be eligible for Para transit van service, one must complete an application for ADA certification. Eligibility applications are reviewed by an eligibility committee for general approval and considerations for trip requests are approved on a trip by trip basis by the Scheduling office. The fare for ADA Para transit service is $2.50 Applications and all information for Para transit service may be obtained in the following manner:
Download an application or one can be obtained by contacting the ADA Para transit Scheduling office at 479-756-5901 ext. 3, or toll free at 800-865-5901 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.