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Paratransit Access Line, NFTA (NY)
Special note to Paratransit riders:
Effective November 1, 2011, in accordance with the Americans with Disability, (ADA) 49 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) section 37.131 (e) Metro will provide a level of service that is comparable to the level of service offered on our fixed route system and extends three-quarters of a mile to either side of the fixed route. This means that some trips you have taken on PAL may no longer be available. This is a follow up to the letter you received in August 2010,(PDF) (Doc), you received in August 2010, which informed you that on October 31, 2010, Metro implemented a new fixed route service area. To assist in a more convenient transition Metro allowed Paratransit Access Line, (PAL) clients to continue the same level of service until October 31, 2011. Should you have any questions or unsure if your travel will be affected, please feel free to contact PAL Customer Service at (716) 855-7268
The new PAL Pass is available for Metro's Paratransit riders.
Curb to curb, lift equipped van service called Paratransit Access Line (PAL) is available for qualifying individuals. PAL's service area extends three-quarters of a mile on either side of or from the end of Metro's bus and rail fixed route service. This does not apply to commuter or express route service.
The NFTA makes provisions to ensure that each passenger actually gets from his/her point of origin to his/her point of destination. To meet this origin to destination requirement, service may need to be provided to some individuals or at some locations in a way that goes beyond curb-to-curb service.
To qualify for PAL you must be unable to board, ride or disembark from a Metro Bus or Rail vehicle, or travel to and from a bus stop.
Before using PAL you must fill out an application which is certified by a qualifying healthcare professional (listed on the application) and submit it to the PAL office.
Trips are made on a reservation basis.
Trips may be scheduled up to 14 days in advance or one day prior to the trip.
Riders with temporary disabilities may be eligible for PAL.
Fares are double the fixed route fare.
Sanctions may be placed on PAL riders who have a pattern or practice of late cancellations or no-show trips.
Traveling with Paratransit is now even more convenient for individuals with disabilities. PAL clients and interested agencies can now purchase a fixed amount of rides with the same discounts offered to regular Metro Pass holders. The pass is simply hole punched by a Paratransit Operator each time the client boards the van. The card can be discarded once all the numbers are punched.
Small Price, Huge Savings
10 Trips – $29
20 Trips – $58
Passes Available at:
Ticket vending machines (cash only): All Metro Rail stations, the Metropolitan Transportation Center in downtown Buffalo, the Portage Road Transportation Center and the Transportation Center in Niagara Falls. Or, by phone (855-7200) Accepting Discover, Visa or Master Card. Checks, money orders and credit card transactions may be mailed with a PAL Pass application.
PAL Passes can also be purchased at Wilson Farms and Parkside Pharmacy, 975 Broadway, Buffalo.
Pass Restrictions:
The PAL Pass is valid for existing Paratransit services by the purchaser with valid ID. The pass is not redeemable and may only be used by one person on any one trip.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
TDD: (716) 855-7377
Cash office: 855-7200
Paratransit Application
PAL Pass Transaction Form