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Parent Information Center – Buffalo Wyoming
Parent Information Center
A Project of Parents Helping Parents of Wyoming, Inc
Parent Information Center (PIC), is a statewide parent center for families of children with disabilities. PIC provides information, support and referrals to families on their rights and responsibilities under the special education law- the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). We help families understand their child’s disability and support them in working as partners with schools and service providers to receive better education programs and services for their children.
PIC staff can attend Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings with families and provide workshops, webinars and trainings on specific disabilities and other disability topics upon request. PIC offers workshops and trainings to families and educators on IDEA, IEPs, Positive Behavior Interventions, PIC Brochure and other related topics as well as specific disabilities such as Autism, Sensory disorders, Down Syndrome, Attention disorders and more. We are here to provide:
Support… Individual assistance and support is provided to parents via the toll-free hot line or in person.
Information & Resources… Help with questions and concerns parents have about special education and other services.
Publications.. are available on topics of concern and specific disabilities. Workshops… in communities across the state at no cost to families on special education laws, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process and other disability issues.
Networking…and parent-to-parent contacts for families who are faced with similar challenges, with local support groups and service providers, as well as state and national organizations.
What is PHP of WY, Inc.?
Parents Helping Parents of Wyoming, Inc is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1990. Governed by a board of directors, the majority who are parents or family members of children with disabilities. PHP ‘s mission is to help families become more active in their children’s learning and education, to serve and support children with and without disabilities through advocacy, education, and referral.