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Parents Helping Parents – Sabrato Center for Nonprofits – San Jose CALIFORNIA
Established in 1976 as a nonprofit agency, Parents Helping Parents, meets the needs of one of our community's most vulnerable populations – children with any special need and their families. This includes children of all ages and all backgrounds who have a need for special services due to any special need, including but not limited to illness, cancer, accidents, birth defects, neurological conditions, premature birth, learning or physical disabilities, mental health issues, and attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, to name a few.
Programs and Services Include:
- Parent Training and Information Center
- Family Empowerment Center (FEC) – provides information, resources, technical assistance, and systems change advocacy for a statewide network of local FEC's who provide family education, empowerment, and parent-professional collaborative activities for families of children with disabilities ages 3-22 years old. PHP is also the Family Resource Center for Santa Clara County's Early Start Program.
- Central Directory of Early Intervention Resources – A listing of the Family Resource Centers
- Assistive Technology Programs and Services – A preview and demonstration center for Assistive Technology (AT). PHP's iTECH Center offers parents and professionals the opportunity to gain "hands-on" experience with assistive devices and instructional software before making a decision on which ones best suit their needs. Our AT Specialists can assist you in exploring and accessing high/low tech options through a guided "Techsploration" in our AT Lab. Our center offers the following:
Trainings Trainings related to assistive technology are available to parent groups, school districts or community agencies. Choose from topics such as:
- Overview of Assistive Technology
- Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities
- iPad/iPod Apps for Communication
- iPad/iPod Apps for Learning
- Computer Access
- Communication: Low-High Tech
- Software for Visual Learners
- Assistive Technology for ADHD
- Technology for Infants and Pre-Schoolers and Toy Adaptation
- Consideration and Implementation of Assistive Technology
- Assistive Technology for Adults with Developmental Disability