Partners for Inclusive Communities

Address: 2001 Pershing Circle, Suite 300
North Little Rock, AR 72114-1841
Phone: (501) 682-9900 Fax: (501) 6829901 Email: Website:

Formerly known as the University Affiliated Program, we are Arkansas' University Center on Disabilities.  Partners is a department of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) and receives federal funding from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and other agencies to conduct research and provide education, training, technical assistance, information, and services to people with disabilities, their families, students and professionals involved with disability related programs. Partners' activities are constantly evolving to reflect the priorities of individuals with disabilities.
Partner's Mission:
To support individuals with disabilities and families of children with disabilities to fully and meaningfully participate in community life, effect systems change, prevent disabilities and promote healthy lifestyles.
Our Beliefs and Values:
Individuals with disabilities are people first, with the same needs and desires as other people. Disability is a natural and normal part of the human experience that in no way diminishes a person’s right to fully participate in all aspects of society.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?