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Partnership for Children’s Rights
Partnership for Children’s Rights – (formerly Legal Services for Children) is a not-for-profit law firm dedicated to helping disadvantaged children throughout New York City. We firmly believe that each child deserves the right to develop his or her potential and grow into an independent, self-sufficient adult.
At PFCR, we are determined to protect that right. Helping more than 1,000 children each year.
With a mandate to advocate for disadvantaged children in all boroughs of New York City, PFCR currently focuses on two primary and immediate areas of concern for children in need:
1. Access to special education services: Children with certain disabilities may qualify for special education programs and services. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) requires that your school district provide your child with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment.
The IDEA ensures that “all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living.”
If the Department of Education determines that your child has a disability that interferes with his or her learning, your child may be entitled to a different classroom setting, related services to address his or her learning problems, or certain accommodations.
2. Access to Social Security Disability Benefits: The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, part of the Social Security Act, was established to provide financial assistance to disabled children who suffer from specific medical impairments. Children from economically disadvantaged families must meet income eligibility guidelines as well as physical or mental health needs criteria to qualify for benefits. Children who are eligible for SSI disability benefits also receive Medicaid coverage.
If your initial application is denied, please contact PFCR for legal assistance to challenge that decision. An attorney will evaluate your case and determine whether there is sufficient documentation to reverse the denial of benefits.
If your initial application is denied, you will receive a letter from the Social Security Administration entitled “Notice of Disapproved Claim” advising you that you have 60 days plus 5 days for mailing to “appeal” this decision. Complete and file the form entitled “Request for Hearing by Administrative Law Judge” with your local SSA office.
With a multi-disciplinary team of attorneys and social service professionals, we are able to represent and advise more than 1,000 children each year.