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Partnerships in Assistive Technology (PAT)
Partnerships in Assistive Technology was Incorporated in March 1994 and received its IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in September 1994. A Board of Directors, which includes assistive technology professionals, assistive technology consumers, family members of consumers, and community members governs the organization.
The mission of PAT is to increase knowledge about and access to assistive technology and information technology for North Carolinians with disabilities. We partner with state agencies, non-profit groups, the Southeast ADA Center and grassroots disability groups to help make communities accessible for people with disabilities and to ensure access to the tools they need to live independently, work, access educational and recreational opportunities, and participate in community events.
Assistive technology empowers people of all ages to move, to see, to hear, to communicate, to read, to learn, to access computers and the internet, to plan, to play, to control their environment and to independently accomplish the tasks of daily life.