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Pediatric Center, HSC
Our mission is to provide quality rehabilitative and transitional care for infants, children, adolescents, and young adults with special health care needs in a supportive, culturally competent, respectful environment, and to participate in related local, regional, and national projects with government, private and philanthropic organizations.
Services & Departments
Occupational Therapy – Provides skilled treatment to help children enhance the skills necessary to increase their independence with life’s activities. Programs may address:
- Proper positioning for development of postural alignment and control
- Facilitating developmental progression
- Splinting and casting
- Upper extremity strengthening, coordination, and range of motion
- Postural control and balance
- Fine motor skill development (i.e. use of hands for drawing, cutting, handwriting, grasping, object manipulation and self feeding)
- Visual-perceptual and visual motor skills
- Feeding and oral-motor skills
- Sensory integration and state regulation
- Cognitive training/retraining
- Adaptive equipment and assistive technology recommendations and training
- Activities of daily living training (i.e. feeding, dressing and bathing)
- Functional
- Environmental access
- Functional Mobility
- Wound care
Learn more our Occupational Therapy services
Speech-Language Pathologist Department – The department is dedicated to the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of speech, language, cognitive, feeding, and swallowing disorders for children of all ages (birth-21). Programs may address:
- Language disorders including language comprehension, formulation, and pragmatics
- Speech disorders including articulation, voice, and fluency (stuttering)
- Swallowing disorders including oral-motor dysfunction, feeding, and pre-feeding skills
- Learning disorders affecting areas of academic function including reading and writing
- Neurologically based communication disorders including dysarthria, apraxia, aphasia, and cognitive skills training
- Assistive technology or alternative communication
Learn more about our Speech-Language Pathologist services
Recreation Therapy Department – provides treatment and recreation services to individuals with illness or disabling conditions. The primary purposes of Recreation Therapy interventions are to restore, remediate or rehabilitate in order to improve functioning and independence as well as reduce or eliminate the effects of illness or disability. Treatment Interventions May Include
- 1:1 Treatment sessions
- Developmentally appropriate peer groups
- Pet Therapy
- Horticulture Therapy
- Community Reintegration Outings
- Community and Home Skills Group
- Assistive Technology
Learn more about our Recreation Therapy services
Physical Therapy – We have designed a variety of individualized treatment programs that include the following treatment interventions:
- 1:1 direct treatment with the family and patient
- Electrotherapeutic Modalities, such as electrical stimulation and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Physical Agents, such as hot packs and cryotherapy
- Hydrotherapy, such as whirlpool
- Assistive and Adaptive Devices, such as a detailed evaluation of orthotic devices and assistive devices (wheelchair mobility and seating systems) or equipment (walker, crutches, etc) in order to enhance independent mobility
- Supportive devices or equipment, such as supportive elastic wraps, and serial casting in order to foster appropriate postural alignment during functional activities
- Variety of handling techniques that focus on neuromuscular education and reeducation; motor function or retraining; postural awareness training; developmental activities training and balance and coordination
- Manual therapies, such as massage and infant massage
- Aerobic endurance training, conditioning and reconditioning, and strength training
Learn more about our Physical Therapy services
Child Life Specialist – A Child Life Specialist is a trained individual who focuses on the emotional and developmental needs of children and families. Through the use of play and other forms of communication, a Child Life Specialists:
- Serves as an integral member of the healthcare team
- Provides activities to encourage copping and an understanding of the medical setting through medical play.
- Promotes the development of infants on Preemie Express through appropriate developmental play.
- Supports parents by providing knowledge on how to support their child and other family members while in the hospital
- Offers sibling education on patients condition and the hospital setting
- Provides patients with support and distraction during painful procedures, therapy sessions, or dressing changes.
- Helps support medical staff with patient education
- Assists in the transition school aged patients from other hospitals
- Gives comfort care to patients who are experiencing a difficult time and need extra support
- Educates patients on their conditions and tries to alleviate any patient misconceptions of hospitalization or illness
Learn more about our Child Life services
Education Department – provides academic instruction for in-patient children, adolescents and young adult’s ages 3-21 diagnosed with: traumatic brain injuries, spina bifida, emotional disorders, orthopedic impairments, specific learning disabilities, multi-handicapping conditions, speech/language disorders, etc.
Home and Hospital Teaching Services – Students who are expected to stay at the hospital for 2 weeks or longer are referred to their respective school districts for home or hospital instruction. Upon receiving the referral, the school district assigns a visiting teacher to provide academic instruction. Education Specialists are involved in the following:
- Academic instruction
- Special Education eligibility
- IEP meeting support
- Home/hospital teaching and transition back to school support
- Parent Advocacy
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Outpatient Education Support
- Community-School Improvement Projects
Learn more about our Educational services
Assistive Technology – The mission of the AT team is to maximize the functional independence of children with disabilities through the use of technology. AT enables children with disabilities to communicate, learn, play, interact, access, and control their environment. Services Include:
Evaluations (may include any or all of the follow)
- Seating and Positioning
- Power Mobility
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Switch Access Assessment
- Electronic Aids to Daily Living
- Computer Access
- Communication Training.
- Power Mobility Training
- Client and Family Training
Follow-up Services
Learn more about our AT services
Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Equipment Department (OPED) – The mission of The HSC Pediatric Center’s OPED is to maximize the functional independence of children with disabilities through the proper evaluation and provision of Durable Medical Equipment and Orthotics. Services Include:
Seating and Positioning Assessment
Wheelchair Evaluation/Fitting
Additional Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Orthoses – We assess for the following different types of orthoses to improve balance, gait, functional use, and/or prevent deformities:
- Lower Extremity Orthoses – AFO braces, DAFOs, SMOs, Pattibobs, HKAFOs, and Knee Extension Splints
- Upper Extremity Orthoses – Elbow Extension Splint, Hand Splints, and Benik Soft Splints
- Trunk Orthoses – TLSO (thoraco lumbar sacral orthosis) and Benik Trunk Supports
Client and Family Training
Follow-up Services
Learn more about our OPED services
Nursing Units:
The Developmental Unit (Home at HSC) – provides family centered care for infants, children and adolescents who require more acute, long-term support than can be safely provided in a home, group home, or typical long-term care facility.
Transitional Care Unit (2 East) – admitted to this unit are usually between the ages of birth and three years, and typically have cardiac, respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, and/or developmental problems.
Rehabilitation Unit (1 East) – Patients admitted to this unit are usually between the ages of three and 21 years. They typically have diagnoses of head injuries, cerebral palsy complications, s/p motor vehicle accidents; or they may be recuperating after orthopedic surgery.
Preemie Express Unit – Patients admitted to this unit usually need transitioning from the acute NICU setting to their home setting or our Transitional Care Unit. Patients may have respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, developmental, and/or genetic problems.
Outpatient Center – provides easy access to high quality care with family-centered, quality diagnostic assessments, and treatment for children with special health care needs in the following areas:
- Psychology
- Physical Therapy
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Assistive Technology
- Developmental Pediatrics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Power Mobility
- Nutrition
- Equipment Clinic (OPED)
HSC Pediatric Center Location: