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Pediatric Occupational Therapy – South County Hospital
South County Hospital Healthcare System is dedicated to serving the children and families of southern Rhode Island. Play is a child's occupation. Playing is how children learn and how they develop motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, problem-solving strategies, and critical thinking skills. When a child is having difficulties with any of these foundational skills, it can lead to difficulty in their acquisition of higher-level skills. Our pediatric occupational therapy program can help. Our occupational therapists work with children with a variety of issues, including decreased fine motor skills; decreased self-care skills; handwriting or pre-writing difficulties; decreased function related to learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, down syndrome; and resistive eating, among others. In pediatric occupational therapy, we work to maximize function using a sensory-motor approach. Hands-on treatment and parent/caregiver education are the cornerstones of the program. Evaluation and treatment are family-centered, and we work with families to obtain home equipment to facilitate skill development. Techniques include sensory integration treatment; Wilbarger protocol and sensory diet; Handwriting Without Tears ®, and Brain Gym ®, among others.