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Pediatric Therapy Center
Pediatric Therapy Center is a Pediatric Outpatient Facility that provides Physical, Occupational and Speech Language/Oral Motor/Feeding Therapy to children that have been diagnosed with Neurological, Orthopedic, Sensory Processing, Cranio-Facial and Genetic disorders.
We also offer the latest in medical technology and state-of-the-art equipment. Pediatric Therapy Center specializes in the following:
* Treatment of Infants and Young Children with Motor Control/Learning Disorders
* Treatment of Infants and Children with Strength and Range of Motion Problems Arising from Birth, Surgery, or Traumatic Incidents
* Feeding and Oral Motor Disorders
* Sensory Processing Disorders
* Language and Communicative Disorders
* Casting and Splinting
* Adaptive Equipment
* Functional Skill Training