PediPlay – Pediatric Therapy Providers

Address: 6239 S. East Street, Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Phone: 317.791.9031 Fax: 317.791.9001 Email: Website:

PediPlay offers pediatric therapy and early intervention services specializing in oral motor and feeding skill development and enhancement, large and small muscle strength and coordination, language, developmental skill building, social competence and strategies for success with peers and sensory challenges. ​ Therapy occurs in direct sessions, intensive camps, on-site consultations in clinic, school, community and home settings.

PediPlay offers many different therapists including: ​
Occupational Physical
Early Intervention Services through First Steps Birth to age Three
Feeding Groups for ages 2-12
Dance & Yoga Classes
Camp Can-Do
Camp SenseAtional
Individually designed home and or school programs

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