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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation – Public Transit Options
JUMP TO Bus Rail Public transportation offers a convenient and easy alternative to gridlocked commutes and high gas prices. Compared to driving, public transit is less expensive, safer and better for the environment. It also significantly reduces traffic congestion, saves energy and benefits the communities it serves. It’s the way millions of Americans commute to work every day. The use of public transportation is growing faster than both vehicle and airplane travel.
Public transportation is available in every county in Pennsylvania, with a wide range of services including:
Fixed-route transit service in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, 21 small urban areas and 22 rural areas 44 systems offering shared-ride services in all Pennsylvania counties 13 intercity bus routes Keystone Corridor Amtrak service, running from Harrisburg to New York by way of Philadelphia, and Pennsylvanian Amtrak service running from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia 66 counties with rural transportation for persons with disabilities More and more, Pennsylvania residents are relying on public transportation as a way to get to and from their workplace, doctor’s office, shopping malls and recreational places.
Pennsylvania offers programs to make transportation accessible to everyone, including seniors and persons with disabilities. Learn about state-offered services.
Seniors and Persons With Disabilities
In Pennsylvania, individuals with disabilities have access to a wide range of alternative transportation options, including shared-ride services, paratransit and discount programs. All fixed-route public transportation systems statewide offer accessible transportation that meets federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for persons who travel within 3/4 mile of a fixed route. Also, individuals with disabilities, presenting a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Reduced Transit Fare Identification Card or a Medicare Card at the time of fare payment, ride for half-fare on fixed-route transit service during non-peak periods in certain counties.
For persons with disabilities who live and/or travel outside the fixed-route system, Pennsylvania offers the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Program, which provides service beyond the ADA requirements. Through this program, persons with disabilities who are age 18 through 64 may receive reduced rates on shared-ride, curb-to-curb, advance reservation transportation services. In 66 counties, persons with disabilities pay a portion of the regular fare and the PwD program pays the remainder of the fare (up to 85 percent) for trips that are not eligible for any other funding source. The PwD Program is not available in Philadelphia County, since extensive fixed-route service in those counties enables persons with disabilities to travel on ADA-complementary service. Persons wishing to benefit from the PwD Program must provide proof of disability. Prior-day advance registration is required and service is open to the public. To see which providers offer this service in your area, check the PennDOT Service Map.