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Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT)
Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT) strives to enhance the lives of all Pennsylvanians with disabilities, older Pennsylvanians, and their families, through access to and acquisition of assistive technology devices and services, which allow for choice, control and independence at home, work, school, play, and in their neighborhoods. Programs and resources offer training, services and assistance for a variety of technologies for people with disabilities and universal design. For a complete list of Institute on Disabilities programs, visit the Programs page.
Programs and Services Include:
Device Demonstrations—A hands-on opportunity to learn more about different AT devices so individuals can make an informed choice about what will work best for them. For more information, email
Device Loans—Pennsylvanians of any age and ability can borrow AT devices, at no cost, to try at work, school, home or in their neighborhoods. This short-term loan program has a "try before you buy" philosophy, and helps people with disabilities and their families make the right choice of AT devices before they obtain a device. For more information, email
Acquisition of Assistive Technology, or "How do I Get What I Need?"—Device Reutilization: Previously owned devices are an affordable option instead of buying new, and several options are available to Pennsylvanians, including classified listings of used devices (REEP) and refurbishing programs (Into New Hands and Liberty Wheels). For more information, email