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Phoenix Day School for the Deaf
"The Phoenix Day School for the Deaf (PDSD), fully accredited by the North Central Association, educates students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. PDSD serves children who live within the metropolitan Phoenix area to the extent that daily transportation is feasible.
The Phoenix Campus provides a full array of educational and support services to day students in Preschool, Elementary, Middle School and High School. These services include counseling, communication instruction (speech, auditory training, speech reading, augmentative communication, public speaking, reading intervention, pragmatics, and communicative competence), audiology, occupational and physical therapy, vocational training, career counseling and transition planning.
The School supports a philosophy which includes the acquisition and development of two languages: ASL and English. The curriculum parallels that of any regular public school program with modifications made to meet the communication needs of deaf and hard of hearing children. Physical education and computer instruction are an integral part of the curriculum for all students. PDSD has the only comprehensive secondary program designed exclusively for deaf and hard of hearing children in the Phoenix area."