Physical Therapy Association, Kansas

Address: 2900 SW Plass Court,, Suite 202
Topeka,, KS 66611
Phone: (785) 233-5400 Fax: (785) 2900476 Email: Website:

The Kansas Physical Therapy Association (KPTA) is non-profit professional association representing physical therapists, physical therapist assistants who are licensed to practice in Kansas, and Kansas physical therapist students and physical therapist assistant students. KPTA’s membership consists of approximately 1,000 therapists and therapy students in Kansas.

KPTA Mission Statement
The Kansas Physical Therapy Association is the member organization of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants that represents, promotes, and advocates for the profession of physical therapy, facilitates best practice, and assists members in meeting the physical therapy needs of the community.

KPTA Vision Statement
Consumers will have unrestricted direct access to physical therapists as the practitioner of choice for diagnosis. evidence-based intervention, and prevention of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities related to movement, function and health. Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, under the direction of physical therapists, will be recognized and valued as the only providers of physical therapy.

KPTA Goals
Policy barriers to patient/client access to physical therapist services will be reduced and where possible eliminated.
Targeted consumer and professional groups will recognize the benefits of and increase use of the services of physical therapists as practitioners of choice in maximizing movement and function.
Payment policymakers will better recognize the value of PT's and PTA's and create payment policies that more accurately reflect the resources required to achieve efficient and efficacious patient/client outcomes.
Best practice principals will be routinely identified, applied, and integrated by PT's and PTA's.


Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information:

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