Pierce Park Elementary School

Address: 5015 N. Pierce Park Lane
Boise, ID 83714
Phone: (208) 854-5880 Fax: (208) 8545881 Email: Kathy.Hutchison@boiseschools.org Website: https://piercepark.boiseschools.org/

Welcome to Pierce Park Elementary School
It is my pleasure to be part of such a great learning community. I am very excited for the beginning of a new school year and the opportunity to work with you and your children.

One of our goals at Pierce Park is to provide a warm and positive learning environment for each child. A place where personal and academic growth is achieved through respect and communication.

All of us at Pierce Park welcome your active participation in developing the physical, educational and emotional well being of your student. I know it will be a great year filled with learning, growth and fun!

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?