Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center

Address: 13620 Halleluiah Trail
Elbert, CO 80106
Phone: (719) 495-3908 Fax: (719) 494-1689 Email: PPTRC@PPTRC.org Website: http://www.pptrc.org/

Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center (PPTRC), a 501(c)(3) organization, is the oldest, largest and the only PATH premier accredited center in southern Colorado. In the beginning, PPTRC provided Therapeutic Riding until they entered a relationship with Memorial Health System to implement a Hippotherapy program. Every year, PPTRC’s number of participants has grown. Due to the increasing demand, a partnership was created with the Pikes Peak Range Riders in 2004 to move PPTRC to the Latigo Heritage Center in Elbert, Colorado.

Programs Include
Therapeutic Riding
Equine Facilitaate Psychotherapy

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