Pillsbury United Communities

Address: 125 West Broadway Avenue, Suite 130
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Phone: 612-302-3400 Website: https://www.puc-mn.org/


Pillsbury United Communities is a nonprofit organization working to create choice, change and connection for people from all walks of life. With multiple locations in Minneapolis' inner city neighborhoods—including four neighborhood centers and a professional live theatre— Pillsbury United Communities is positioned to address the complicated issues and concerns faced by the more than 40,000 people who walk through our doors each year.
A descendant of the Settlement House Movement, Pillsbury United Communities recognizes the complex causes and effects of social and economic inequalities and works to effect positive change by connecting individuals and building meaningful relationships. Programs offered are not about hand-outs or charity, but encourage give-and-take relationships between members of the community and Pillsbury United Communities.
Staff manage a growing number of services in six common focus areas: Early Childhood Development, Youth and Teen Development, Adult Education and Skill Development, civic Engagement, Essential Resources and Wellness
Neighborhood Centers and Other Locations: http://www.puc-mn.org/AboutUs/ContactUs/tabid/109/Default.aspx
The four Neighborhood Centers of Pillsbury United Communities and two satellite locations are located throughout Minneapolis and are central to the agency’s mission. They provide essential gathering spaces for people in the community to connect with one another, to build meaningful relationships, and to find the resources they need to make positive changes in their lives.

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