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Playtime Children’s Therapy – Sherwood ARKANSAS
Since 1996, Playtime Children's Therapies has provided comprehensive therapy services for children with special needs. We are a non-profit corporation, with one goal. Our goal is to provide the most optimal quality, professional care for your child. This is accomplished in several ways. We strongly encourage and appreciate families input to the therapy plan to help enhance each child’s family life.
We provide individualized therapy plans which are essential in providing quality care for your child. We recognize each child as our single, most important priority and treat all with dignity, compassion and respect. We believe that our commitment to individualized quality care is the key to each child’s success.
Specialized Services Include:
• Physical therapy, Occupational therapy and Speech-Language Pathology services
• Evaluation and follow-up treatment
• On-site consultations available for orthotics and adaptive equipment needs. Wheelchair assessments scheduled by appointment
• Assessment for augmentative/alternative communication needs
• Oral-motor evaluations and follow-up treatment for motor speech and feeding disorders
• Family consultation provided on an on-going basis. Therapy goals developed based on individual and family needs
• Therapy available in home and daycare for the Early Intervention and medically fragile populations
• Multidisciplinary team approach in coordination with Early Intervention person