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Pre school, Ada Village (MI)
Ada Village Preschool was established in 1973 as a community outreach program by the First Congregational Church of Ada. Still housed within the church today, the preschool is governed by a board comprised of current parents, church members, and the Preschool Director. Ada Village Preschool is a non-profit organization that is state licensed and accredited by the NAEYC Academy for Early Childhood Program Accredidation.
Four Year Olds
The four-year-old program seeks to further broaden the child's experiences and foster curiosity and skill development prerequisite to more formal education. There are two lead teachers with each class of 18 children. Children enrolled must attain their class age by December 1, 2012.
Three Year Olds
The three-year-old program provides a foundation for a secure and nurturing learning environment where children can explore various learning centers individually and with other children. All areas of a child's development will be stimulated through play, literacy activities, art exploration, blocks, dramatic play, science, music and small and large motor experiences. There are two lead teachers with each class of fourteen children. Children enrolled must attain their class age by December 1, 2012.
The older four- and five-year-old program provides continuing exposure to skill development through a variety of theme developed experiences. Independence, group responsibility and decision making skills will be fostered. There are two lead teachers with 18 children. Children enrolled in this class must attain their class age by March 31, 2013.
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