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Preschool, Whispering Pines (Special Needs)
Whispering Pines Preschool is a private preschool, which provides educational and therapy services to young children with special needs, as well as a preschool early learning experience for typical children. There is no direct cost to the parent for the services provided to children with special needs who are placed by the Committee for Preschool Special Education (CPSE). These services are funded through county and state funds.
The Whispering Pines Curriculum is grounded in the educational premise that all children must be actively involved in the environment in order for learning to occur. Children learn more effectively in environments that draw from their own experiences and ideas. Our curriculum provides children with new information and challenges, which can be assimilated into their new learning experiences.
Utilizing a team approach, the programs provide educational opportunities for young children by allowing them to develop to their fullest capabilities. The programs provide:
An environment that encourages peer to peer socialization.
A play-based curriculum that is developmentally appropriate for each child.
Staff that will facilitate the learning skills that foster successful transition and interactions with peers.
Comprehensive support services as an integral part of the learning process.
An environment that encourages direct parent involvement as an integrated part of the learning process.
An environment that is responsive to the diversities of the children and present material in a non-biased manner.
An environment that nurtures each child’s level of self-esteem, independence, and respect of others.
Early Intervention – Whispering Pines Preschool is an approved New York State Early Intervention Service Provider for the statewide Early Intervention Program under Title II-A of Article 25 of the Public Health Law.* Services We Provide include:
Core Evaluations
Supplemental Evaluations
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Social Work
Special Instruction
Ongoing Service Coordination
Comprehensive Evaluation – Whispering Pines Preschool provides comprehensive evaluation services for children birth through age five. With an inter-disciplinary / team approach, children are evaluated in various areas according to the need of the child. Such services include:
Early Learning/Special Education
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Social History
Therapy Services We Provide
Special Education Itinerant Teacher Services (SEIT)
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Social Work
Counseling Services
Health and Nutrition
The School Nurse Team is comprised of Nancy Holroyd, RN and Naomi Shaffer, LPN. We have a commitment to promoting wellness, good nutrition and healthy habits for all our children. We work together to encourage families to work hand-in-hand with us as we oversee health needs within the school community. If we spot an illness beginning to sweep through a classroom or through one of our 3 sites we will notify families via an appropriate letter. We (or a designee on site) do a daily health check on the children. If you have questions or concerns about your child, we welcome calls and maintain an “open door policy.” Yes, the “Nurse is in.”
Therapeudic Riding Program
In Conjunction with the Cobleskill College Therapeutic Riding Program Welcome to the Whispering Pines Preschool and Cobleskill College Therapeutic Riding Program. We have teamed up with the Cobleskill College Therapeutic Riding Program to provide a wonderful opportunity for children to interact with horses and other farm animals in order to enhance their therapy sessions.
The children participate in games and activities on horseback, as well as related activities while on the ground (i.e. brushing a horse, cleaning a stall, etc.). Our philosophy is to use the horse and farm environment as a motivating tool to enhance skill development based on the parents and therapists goals and objectives.
Safety is of the highest priority when working with your child. To ensure your child’s safety, we always have side-walkers at all times, as well as a therapist, an instructor, and a person to walk with the horse. Please note that SUNY college students and community volunteers participate by offering assistance as side-walkers.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Online Contact Form
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