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Progressive Pediatric Therapy – Boca Raton FL
Progressive Pediatric Therapy offers a wide range of specialties and services, ensuring that all of your child’s needs are met.
Nutrition Counseling
Physical Therapy
Our Pediatric Physical Therapists work with families to provide support in the areas of gross motor development, motor planning and visual motor skills.
Speech or Feeding Therapy
Our Speech Language Pathologists provide support to children in the areas of language acquisition, articulation, oral motor stimulation, feeding issues and communication skills.
Occupational Therapy
Our Pediatric Occupational Therapists work with families to assist children to learn functional skills. These include the ability to pay attention; remain calm; teach themselves self-care, such as learning to feed themselves, brushing hair, brushing teeth, dressing, and eventually bathing; encourage development of eye-hand skills, oral skills for eating; coordination of the whole body; feeling comfortable with the positioning and movement of their body during daily activities such as play. We work with families to help children learn cooperative behavior, and work with learning problems.