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Public Schools (DCPS), DC
DCPS will attract, support, reward, and retain high-performing educators, and will help to build an informed and empowered parent population that will act as a driving force for change. Throughout the system, innovative partnerships will engage the broader community in increasing educational options for students and playing an active, cooperative role in school improvement.
In the Classroom:
- The DCPS Academic Plan
What Students Are Learning
Academic Offerings
How Students Are Supported
Special Education
Expectations of Students - How Students Are Assessed
Ensuring Teacher Success
Health and Wellness
Student Gallery
Beyond the Classroom:
- Food Services
School Safety
Afterschool Programs
Before-Care Programs
Summer School - Special Projects in Schools
Embassy Adoption Program
International Programs
Educational Technology & Library Services
Parents and the Community:
- Engaging Families and Community
Beautification Day
Help Your Child Succeed
LGBTQ Engagement
Community Partners
Volunteer in Our Schools - Community Initiatives
Ward 5 Great Schools Initiative
Parent Resource Centers
Urban Education Redesign Challenge
Local School Advisory Teams - District Knowledge Network (DKN) TV
State of the Schools
Parent Organizations
About our Schools:
Elementary Schools:
Ketcham ES
Moten ES @ Wilkinson
Payne ES
Simon ES
Smother ES
Browse all Elementary Schools
K-8 Education Campuses:
Takoma EC
Langdon EC
Browse all K-8 Schools
Middle Schools:
Eliot-Hine MS
Jefferson MS
Kelly Miller MS
Sousa MS
Ron Brown MS
Browse all Middle Schools
High Schools:
Eastern HS
Phelps A.C.E. HS
Browse all schools
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School Profiles and Directory
The Office of the Chief Academic Officer – is focused on ensuring that every child, in every classroom, succeeds in college, career and life.
- Office of Youth Engagement
- Office of Curriculum and Instruction
- Office of Academic Programming and Support
- Office of School Transformation
Contact Information:
Director/Manager: Dr. Carey M. Wright, Chief
Phone: (202) 442-5668
Fax: (202) 442-5081
Address: 1200 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002
Suite/Room: 8th floor, Room 876
DCPS Central Office Location: