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Public Schools, Wichita KS
Early Childhood: Wichita Public Schools offers free Pre-Kindergarten programs for children who are
four (4) years old on or before August 31st. The child must meet 1 qualifying factor:
Eligible for free lunch
Single parent family
Limited English proficiency
Either parent lacking high school diploma or GED
Teen parent
SRS referral
At-risk for developmental delays based on screening results
Child qualifies for migrant status
The child must be transported to and from school, attend preschool regularly, and the family must complete a meal program form.
Early Childhood Office:
Phone: (316) 973-4708
Email Early Childhood Office
Early Childhood Webpage
Special Education – The Wichita Public Schools provides a continuum of special education services for students aged 3 to 21. By implementing a Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS), teachers and support staff will ensure that students receive educational benefit in the least restrictive environment, providing a coordinated system of Special Education and related services for students with disabilities designed to meet the unique student’s needs and increase opportunities for student achievement and post-secondary success.
Special Education Office:
Phone: (316) 973-4425
Division Director – Neil Guthrie
Email Division Director
Special Education Webpage
ESOL Instructional Services – Working with students learning English, their families, their teachers, and the community to provide students access to high level curriculum and to ensure proficiency in the English language.
English as a Second Language Instructional Services (ESOL):
Phone: (316) 973-4678
Email ESOL
ESOL Webpage
The Multilingual Education Services (MES) – Staff is prepared to serve and assist Wichita PUblic Schools' English Language Learners and their families. The MES Center is the home of several Wichita Public Schools services, including:
Newcomer Intake Center
Migrant Education Program
District Translation Services
Language Line
Multilingual Education Services (MES):
Phone: (316) 866-8000
MES Webpage
Parent and Community Support Network – Is here to assist families and the community with questions, concerns or needs that individuals experience related to a child's education. We are grateful for the support received from the parents of our students and encourage partnerships between families and educators to achieve what is best for our students. Nevertheless, sometimes parents and school staff may not agree on a particular issue. The key to settling any problem is clear and honest communication between home and school, which is a vital part of a child's academic success.
Parent and Community Support Network:
Phone: (316) 973-4668
Email Network
Parent & Community Support Webpage
Parents as Teachers (PAT) – An international early childhood parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, usually age 5. PAT is voluntary, and free of charge to families living within the Wichita Public Schools, USD 259, boundaries.
The program is designed to give children the best possible start in life, and to support parents in their role as children’s first and most important teachers. PAT is based on two simple truths: babies are born learners, and parents play a critical role from the beginning in determining what their children will become.
Parents as Teachers (PAT):
Phone: (316) 973-5160
Email PAT
PAT Webpage
Student Support Services – The Wichita Public Schools offers a continuum of support services for all students to facilitate academic and behavioral progress. Students who receive special education services may be eligible for additional related services. Related services are a component of support services and become a part of a child’s Individualized Education Program. Our goal is to ensure that every student attending the Wichita Public Schools has the opportunity to benefit from student support services when needed.
Student Support Services:
Coordinator Social Work Services – Loren Pack
Phone: (316) 973-4470
Email Coordinator
Support Services Webpage
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)- Has led to a focus on student achievement data for all students as well as subgroups. It has supported the use of research-based instructional strategies and provided options to parents through choice and free tutoring. The law, however, has a very specific definition of progress that led to the identification of many schools across the county as "in need of improvement". No Child Left Behind has four pillars:
Stronger Accountability for Results
More Flexibility for States and Communities
Proven Educational Methods
More Choices for Parents
No Child Left Behind (NCLB):
Title I Improvement Supervisor – Jackie Farha
Phone: (316) 973-4719
Email Supervisor
NCLB Webpage
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Wichita Public Schools Office: