Rays Adult Wheelchair Softball Team

Address: 6105 E Sligh Avenue
Tampa, FL 33637
Phone: (813) 892-0053 Email: dsportshcprd@aim.com Website: https://www.facebook.com/Rays-Wheelchair-Softball-Team-271745310225/

Contact: Andy Chasanoff

The very first adult wheelchair softball team in Florida, the Rays Wheelchair Softball Team, is a product of a sponsorship outline from the Tampa Bay Rays Major League Baseball Club’s Community Outreach Department called the Rays Baseball Foundation.  The agreement allows the team to use the Rays name and logo for it’s affiliated  Rays Wheelchair Softball team, as well as provide funding resources for the program. In return, the Rays Wheelchair Softball team provides opportunities for adult wheelchair users to participate in America’s greatest pastime on an equal yet competitive playing field. 

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