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Red Line – Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities – Oregon
Getting around town is easy when you ride the RED Line dial-a-ride and shopper shuttle. And unlike CherryLift, no application is required!
The RED Line is for seniors 60 and over, and people with disabilities. Since all RED Line buses are ADA accessible, anyone with a disability or using a mobility device can ride.
The RED Line dial-a-ride picks you up at home and takes you to any destination in the Salem-Keizer urban growth boundary. Learn more about the dial-a-ride service.
The RED Line shopper shuttle picks you up and takes you shopping at designated store locations. Check the RED Line shopper shuttle map for your location and the schedule of stores.
Learn more about the shopper shuttle service. How to Schedule a Ride:
Call the TripLink Call Center to reserve your spot on the RED Line.
Reservations must be made by 5 p.m. the day before you wish to ride.
Reservations can be made up to 14 days in advance.
The call center is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Do you have questions about the RED Line? Call Salem-Keizer Transit Customer Service at 503-588-BUSS (2877) to get your questions answered before scheduling your trip through the TripLink Call Center.
TripLink Call Center:
Voice: 503-315-5544
Toll Free: 888-315-5544
Oregon Relay Service: 7-1-1
Fax: 503-315-5514