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Region IV Family Outreach, Inc.
Sandi Marisdotter – Executive Director
Family Outreach is a private non-profit agency providing home-based education and support services to individuals throughout Southwestern Montana who have disabilities or developmental delays. The focus of our program is to teach families and friends how to teach skills to children and adults with special needs. In addition, the families and friends often request education regarding the disability and information about resources and services available. Family Outreach staff work hard to ensure that children and adults in the Family Outreach program have the same opportunities that all Montanans have in education, in the community, in friendships, and in life. Family Outreach’s primary purpose is to provide services to children with disabilities and their families and to adults with disabilities. We provide support and education to children and adults, and their families to help keep families intact, prevent out of home placements and when that is not possible, to provide foster placements that support continuing family relationships. Over the years Family Outreach has been very successful in both these areas. Only a very small number of children have been unable to stay with their families and Family Outreach has successfully reunited a number of children with their families.
Butte Office:
641 Sampson
Butte, MT 59701
Phone: 406-494-1242
Bozeman Office:
1315 E Main Street
Bozeman, MT 59715