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Rehabilitation Services, Michigan
Michigan is home to approximately 1.3 million individuals with disabilities. MRS works with eligible customers and employers to achieve quality employment outcomes and independence for individuals with disabilities.
MRS helps persons with disabilities obtain or maintain employment. To obtain these services toward employment, individuals must meet program eligibility requirements. There are two ways of learning about MRS. you can Review the On-Line Orientation or you may call an MRS Office and make an appointment to attend a face-to-face Orientation session. After attending Orientation you will be able to determine if MRS can assist you.
Transition Services – Transition services facilitate and support the movement of high school students with disabilities into adult life activities. The primary role of MRS is to facilitate the transition from school to employment. Employment-related activities must be coordinated with educational activities of the school (many of which relate to future employment) and with other agencies that are supporting students.
Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information: