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Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The mission of the R.I. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (RIDE) is “to lead and support schools and communities in ensuring that all students achieve at the high levels needed to lead fulfilling and productive lives, to compete in academic and employment settings, and to contribute to society.” To fulfill this mission, RIDE, led by the Commissioner of Education, under the direction of the Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Education, has adopted these seven priorities: Alignment: Aligning curriculum, teaching, and testing for all learners to agreed-upon expectations or standards; Educator Quality: Continuously improving the skills and performance of the education workforce in Rhode Island; Information Systems: Promoting information-based decisions to improve public-education outcomes; Accountability: Through support and intervention, holding adults and schools accountable for student results; Equity and Efficiency: Making our education system more equitable, effective, and efficient; Family Engagement: Engaging families and communities in the improvement of public schools; School Safety and Personalization: Providing safe and supportive environments for students and staff members in schools. RIDE provides leadership and support to the state’s education community through its 10 offices: Adult Education, Assessment & Accountability, Educator Quality and Certification, Finance, Instruction, Middle & High School Reform, Network & Information Systems, Progressive Support and Intervention, Special Populations, and the Office of the Commissioner. These offices work in consort to advocate for a coherent public policy on education, to enhance local capacity to improve teaching and learning, to sustain an effective accountability system, and to build innovative partnerships that create positive change.