Rhode Island Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

Address: 14 Harrington Road, Barry Hall
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: 401-462-3201 Fax: (401) 4623204 Email: CStenning@bhddh.ri.gov Website: http://www.bhddh.ri.gov/developmentaldisabilities/

Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH)

The name of this Department has been officially changed to the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals. The name change continues our fight against the stigmatization of people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and substance use disorders and addictions. With the name change Rhode Island becomes one of a number of states that are removing the "R word" from their departments serving individuals with developmental disabilities. The name change reflects our commitment to assuring access to quality services and supports for Rhode Islanders with developmental disabilities, mental health and substance abuse issues, and chronic long term medical and psychiatric conditions; and our mission to address and erase the stigma attached to these disabilities as well as planning for the development of new services and prevention activities. The Division is responsible for planning, providing and administering a community system of services/ supports for adults with developmental disabilities in Rhode Island by enhancing the quality of support/services so that people with disabilities can identify and move toward personal futures of inclusion and participation in community life; safeguarding the health and safety of people with disabilities through quality management activities that promote human rights and protect people from abuse; and ensuring equitable access to and allocation of available resources in order to be responsive to the individual needs of the person. The Division funds a statewide network of community services/support for adults with developmental disabilities by contracting with a variety of community provider agencies. These services are both privately operated and publicly operated. Every individual with developmental disabilities is encouraged to direct the funding available to them to meet their need for support. Funding is available in three board categories: Residential Services, Day/Employment Services and Family Supports. The Division provides services/supports to approximately 4000 adults with developmental disabilities. These services are both privately operated and publicly operated and they are typically funded in three board categories: Residential Services, Day/Employment Services and Family Supports. The Division certifies a variety of community provider agencies creating a statewide network of community services/supports for adults with developmental disabilities. Individuals can choose to have their services provided by any of the 37 community agencies licensed by BHDDH and/or certified by DDD or they can choose to utilize a fiscal intermediary and hire their own staff.

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