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Rhode Island Office of Rehabilitation Services
Department of Human Services
The Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS) provides a wide variety of services to Rhode Islanders with disabilities. The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program is the public state and federally funded program that assists individuals with disabilities to choose, prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. Employment being the successful outcome of services provided through the public vocational rehabilitation program. It is expected that individuals with disabilities who apply for services are interested in becoming employed and understand that this is the focus of the VR program. The purpose of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired is to provide eligible individuals with visual impairments the opportunities and support that will enable them to become independent, active, self-sustaining members of their community. Disability Determination Services (DDS) is a unit within the Office of Rehabilitation Services. DDS is the state agency which determines the medical eligibility of Rhode Island residents (children and adults) who have applied for cash benefits under the disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The two SSA disability programs are Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) (Title II) and Supplementary Security Income (SSI) (Title XVI). The DDS is responsible for collecting medical evidence of record and determining whether the claimant is disabled and/or blind as defined by the Social Security Act.
TDD: 401-421-7016