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Rhode Island Office of Student, Community and Academic Supports
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
"Rhode Island has a long and proud history of ensuring that students with exceptionalities receive support and intervention to achieve high expectations and exit public education as productive citizens, life-long learners, and contributing members of the workforce.
The Office of Student, Community and Academic Supports is responsible for advancing the education of: Children and youth with Disabilities who require Special Education; Children and youth who are English Language Learners or Limited English Proficient/Non-English Speaking
Children and youth who are Disadvantaged and/or Participate in Title I, who are Experiencing Homelessness, and/or who are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk; Children and youth who are Learning Beyond Grade Level. The goal of the Office of Student, Community and Academic Supports is to ensure that children with diverse learning needs are provided equal access to a public education and that schools develop effective strategies for meeting the needs of these unique learners. Special Education serves children who have/are: Autism; Emotional-Behavior Challenges; Blind & Visual Impairments; Deaf & Hard of Hearing; Learning Disabilities & Response to Intervention (RTI); Speech & Language Disabilities; Traumatic Brain Injury; Severe and Profound Developmental Disabilities; Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADD/ADHD."
Special Education Call Center: 401-222-8999