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Rock County Specialized Transit
Paratransit Service: For qualifying persons with disabilities unable to use regular buses because of their disability, Beloit and Janesville Transit have contracted with Rock County Specialized Transit to provide "dial-a-ride" paratransit van service. Special certification is required to use this service, which operates the same days and hours as all regular buses. Rock County provides specialized transportation services designed for use by elderly or disabled persons. To be eligible for specialized transit services, an individual must be at least 55 years of age, or be disabled. Mini Buses: Transportation services are provided to all areas within Rock County in Mini buses that are equipped to handle wheelchairs. If you need a ride to a medical appointment outside of Rock County, please refer to the RIDES program. The service is door-to-door, meaning the passenger must be able to use the Mini bus independently, or with some assistance (no wheelchairs down steps). Transportation is available throughout the county Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Trips are scheduled by calling Specialized Transit by 12:00 PM two(2) days before the scheduled appointment. The schedule often fills up one week or more in advance, so please call early. Passengers can expect to be picked up from fifteen (15) minutes before to fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. Once the appointment is finished, a call to Specialized Transit will bring the van back to take the passenger home.
TDD: 608-757-5226