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Rosedale Area Schools
The Roseville Area School District is located just north of the City of St. Paul and east of the City of Minneapolis. We are a unique district with all or portions of seven communities within district boundaries – Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, Little Canada, Lauderdale, Maplewood, Roseville, and Shoreview. We are an E-12 district and have an enrollment of 6,400 students K-12. We also serve several hundred pre-school and adult students.
Early Childhood Programs & Parenting:
Early Childhood Family Education is a program for all families with children, birth to 5 years old, regardless of financial circumstances. The goal of the program is to support parents in their child-raising role and provide children with opportunities to discover and learn. Weekly classes are held during the day, evening and Saturday mornings. Each class provides for parent-child activity and a parent discussion group. In addition to weekly classes, special events, field trips and a parent resource library are available to all families in the community. All teachers are licensed by the State of Minnesota. Call 651-487-4378 for more information.