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Saline County Area Transit
"All residents of Saline County Nebraska have an efficient and convenient transportation system available just for you. Most SCAT transport is made by reservation, with a simple phone call made easily one business day in advance. Our vans will come to you – yes door to door service. We will transfer you from location to location and deliver you back home or to your final area destination.
Transport times are determined by routing within the county and the weather. The fare is free for escorts in case of disability. We have wheelchairs available or they may be reserved. Whenever you have a special transportation need, give us a call. We do our best to serve special requests. Serving Tobias, Western, Swanton, Dewitt, Wilber, Friend, Dorchester, Crete, Doane College, and Saline County. Five vehicles, two being ADA equipped handicapped accessible, travel to Lincoln, Crete, Beatrice and Fairbury on a weekday schedule.
Persons may register and ride regardless of age. Those under the age of 5 ride free. Ages 6 to 10 are half fare."